Tag: Culture

Shape-shifting Nomads

"Shape-shifting is the alteration in form or substance of any animate object. There seems no limit to the kinds of objects susceptible to such alteration. Examples abound of the shape-shifting of plants, animals, humans, and gods."...

When We Thought We Were Being Kidnapped in Europe!

Let me tell you about our craziest travel experience ever! The time when we thought our family was going to be kidnapped by men who looked like they came straight out of a scene from the movie Taken. It happened in our last months in Greece, as we went...

Where Are You From?

‘Nigerian by birth, American by Nationality and Global at heart’. Wait. Have I just come up with the perfect answer? Yes! That’s me! That’s me in one sentence. Eureka! They say you sometimes come up with the best ideas while executing the most mundane tasks. Especially a task involving...